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Accounting & Compliance

Accounting & Compliance

As a business owner it’s important to understand where are you now and where are you heading in order to give clear direction to everyone in your business and the best prospect of attaining your goals within a particular period of time. Accountants have been known as the experts that help you to record all your business deeds from the past.


However, our focus is not on what happened a long time ago, as there is nothing that one can do about the past. But rather it’s on what we can do to improve your business in the future. For this, we refer to “Business Consulting”.


When we work with you, we ensure that you can efficiently and accurately record and process the required data and are able to lodge and report the necessary documentation in the most efficient and cost-effective way. In some instances, this involves mentoring and training of our clients.


We use and execute the most efficient and compatible systems within our practice to ensure that we will fulfill outstanding quality work in the most time-efficient and cost-effective way. We are regularly working on refining our practices to keep in track with changes in software systems and technology.



Part of the Accounting and Compliance functions that we perform are as follows:

  • Financial Statement Preparation
  • Business Activity Statement Preparation and Lodgement
  • Income Tax Return Preparation and Lodgement
  • Fringe Benefits Tax Return Preparation and Lodgement
  • Australian Securities and Investment Commission Lodgements (ASIC)
  • Installment Activity Statement Preparation and Lodgement